Mount Pleasant Music Boosters
Mount Pleasant Iowa Schools Music Department
Supporting Music For Students Of All Ages
Middle School
Adam Creager 7/8th Instrumental Director
School Phone: 319-385-7700
Adam Creager 6th Instrumental Director
School Phone: 319-385-7730
Norman Brooks, Assistant Director
The Mount Pleasant Middle School Band Department is comprised of two curricular bands and one extra-curricular Jazz Band. The bands perform one concert each quarter for a total of four concerts. Students in 7th and 8th Grade have the opportunity to audition for a spot on the Middle School Jazz Band, which performs four times after the holiday break, including a performance in competition at the Southeast Iowa Band Masters Association's Jazz Festival in Iowa City.
The Mount Pleasant Middle School Vocal Department is comprised of three curricular choirs and an extra-curricular show choir. Students also have the opportunity to audition for the Iowa Choral Directors Association's OPUS State Honor Choirs. The curricular choirs perform one concert each quarter for a total of four concerts. The show choir performs five times a year at local events including one competition in Fort Madison.

Check out this link to hundreds of 2023 Chain Reaction and InMotion photos.